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Ject对"josh" 的正确翻译:v. 说笑;n. 无恶意的戏虐,玩笑。发音:[dʒɔʃ]。例句参考:"There was glass flying all over the place," she said. "I got hit in the head by something. I looked down and saw Josh holding his chest. I was kind of scared because the way he was holding his chest I didn't think he was going to make it." - "玻璃到处乱飞,"她说。"我的头不知被什么打中。我低头一看,乔希用手抚着胸口。他抚住胸口的样子令我有些害怕,我想他恐怕撑不过去。";
josh [dʒɔʃ]Speaker
v. 说笑
n. 无恶意的戏虐,玩笑
"There was glass flying all over the place," she said. "I got hit in the head by something. I looked down and saw josh holding his chest. I was kind of scared because the way he was holding his chest I didn't think he was going to make it."