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Ject对"justly" 的正确翻译:adv. 公正地, 理由充分地, 正当地。发音:['dʒʌstli]。例句参考:His superior put in a word for him justly and he got the job. - 他的上级为他说了句公正的话, 他得到了那份工作。;We like our work to be justly evaluated. - 我们喜欢别人公正的评价我们的工作。;And finally my friends in this staggering task that you have assigned me, I should always try to do justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with my God. - 最后, 我的朋友们, 你们将这项艰巨的任务交付给我, 我必将公正地去做, 仁慈地去爱, 上帝与我同在。;
justly ['dʒʌstli]Speaker
adv. 公正地, 理由充分地, 正当地
His superior put in a word for him justly and he got the job.
他的上级为他说了句公正的话, 他得到了那份工作。
We like our work to be justly evaluated.
And finally my friends in this staggering task that you have assigned me, I should always try to do justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with my God.
最后, 我的朋友们, 你们将这项艰巨的任务交付给我, 我必将公正地去做, 仁慈地去爱, 上帝与我同在。