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Ject对"keyboard" 的正确翻译:n. 键盘;vt. 用键盘输入(信息)。发音:['ki:bɔ:d]。例句参考:Her hands swept the keyboard. - 她的手快速按动键盘。;In appearance, a microcomputer has three simple and apparent parts: the main frame, the keyboard and the monitor. - 从外表上看, 微型计算机有简单而鲜明的三部分:主机、键盘和监视器。;A trademark used for a machine that sets type on a metal slug, operated by a keyboard. - 行型活字排版机一种商标, 用于指利用键盘操作排成铅字条的排字机;
keyboard ['ki:bɔ:d]Speaker
n. 键盘
vt. 用键盘输入(信息)
Her hands swept the keyboard.
In appearance, a microcomputer has three simple and apparent parts: the main frame, the keyboard and the monitor.
从外表上看, 微型计算机有简单而鲜明的三部分:主机、键盘和监视器。
A trademark used for a machine that sets type on a metal slug, operated by a keyboard.
行型活字排版机一种商标, 用于指利用键盘操作排成铅字条的排字机