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Ject对"Lutheran" 的正确翻译:n. 路德会教友;adj. 路德教会的。发音:['lju:θərən]。例句参考:A court appointed to regulate ecclesiastical affairs in Lutheran state churches. - 教会法庭路德教教会中委派管理教会事务的法庭;More than twenty different Lutheran groups may be identified, many of which are separated on the basis of language. - 可以查明的不同的路德会派别就有二十多个,其中有许多是根据语言而自成一派的。;The church has become a social as well as a religious force in the community, but community life is not broken up into Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, and Jewish groups. - 在社会上,教会不仅是一种宗教力量,而且也是一种社会力量,但长老会、卫理公会、路德会、罗马天主教会和犹太教会等教派教徒在社会生活中并不各成体系。;
Lutheran ['lju:θərən]Speaker
n. 路德会教友
adj. 路德教会的
A court appointed to regulate ecclesiastical affairs in Lutheran state churches.
More than twenty different Lutheran groups may be identified, many of which are separated on the basis of language.
The church has become a social as well as a religious force in the community, but community life is not broken up into Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, and Jewish groups.