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Ject对"minority" 的正确翻译:n. 少数, 少数民族, 未成年。发音:[mai'nɔriti, mi-]。例句参考:The question of which state the minority group should belong to was decided by (a) plebiscite. - 该少数民族应归属哪一州的问题已由公民投票表决.;Since the two main parties each won the same number of seats, the minority party holds the balance of power. - 由於两个主要政党都赢得了相同数量的席位, 因此作为少数派的政党居於举足轻重的地位。;The nationality of the minority groups in that country is still at issue. - 在那个国家的少数民族的国籍问题上仍有争论。;
minority [mai'nɔriti, mi-]Speaker
n. 少数, 少数民族, 未成年
The question of which state the minority group should belong to was decided by (a) plebiscite.
Since the two main parties each won the same number of seats, the minority party holds the balance of power.
由於两个主要政党都赢得了相同数量的席位, 因此作为少数派的政党居於举足轻重的地位。
The nationality of the minority groups in that country is still at issue.