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Ject对"offending" 的正确翻译:adj. 冒犯的;动词offend的现在分词形式。发音:[ə'fendiŋ]。例句参考:He has a tendency to pop off, unwittingly offending many people. - 他有信口开河的毛病, 无意中得罪了不少人;I don't know what got into me to say a thing like that to Mollie. I had absolutely no intention of offending her, but it just came out. - 我不知道是什么支配我要对莫利说那样的事, 我绝对没有冒犯她的打算, 但还是冒犯了她。;Pete would have preferred to be on good terms with both his wife and his mother, but the effort of pleasing one without offending the other was like steering between Scylla and Charybdis. - 彼得何尝不想跟妻子和母亲都和睦相处呢, 可是他试图讨得一方欢心而不致触怒另一方的努力就像在拉岩石礁和卡律布狄斯大旋涡之间行舟一样, 真是左也不得, 右也不行。;
offending [ə'fendiŋ]Speaker
adj. 冒犯的
He has a tendency to pop off, unwittingly offending many people.
他有信口开河的毛病, 无意中得罪了不少人
I don't know what got into me to say a thing like that to Mollie. I had absolutely no intention of offending her, but it just came out.
我不知道是什么支配我要对莫利说那样的事, 我绝对没有冒犯她的打算, 但还是冒犯了她。
Pete would have preferred to be on good terms with both his wife and his mother, but the effort of pleasing one without offending the other was like steering between Scylla and Charybdis.
彼得何尝不想跟妻子和母亲都和睦相处呢, 可是他试图讨得一方欢心而不致触怒另一方的努力就像在拉岩石礁和卡律布狄斯大旋涡之间行舟一样, 真是左也不得, 右也不行。