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Ject对"outdated" 的正确翻译:adj. 旧式的, 落伍的, 过时的。发音:[ˌaut'deitid]。例句参考:The development of new machinery has outdated many plants. - 新机器之发展于许多的工厂显的落伍。;The quality is all right, but the style is a bit outdated. - 质量无问题, 只是式样有点过时。;Our policies are getting outdated and need revising, but to try to swap horses in mid-stream might be dangerous. - 我们的政策渐渐过时了, 必须要修改, 但是中途改弦易辙可能是危险的。;
outdated [ˌaut'deitid]Speaker
adj. 旧式的, 落伍的, 过时的
The development of new machinery has outdated many plants.
The quality is all right, but the style is a bit outdated.
质量无问题, 只是式样有点过时。
Our policies are getting outdated and need revising, but to try to swap horses in mid-stream might be dangerous.
我们的政策渐渐过时了, 必须要修改, 但是中途改弦易辙可能是危险的。