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Ject对"parliamentary" 的正确翻译:adj. 国会的, 议会的, 议会制度的。发音:[ˌpɑ:lə'mentəri]。例句参考:As time went by and the old man became mellow, the fury went out of his parliamentary speeches. - 随着时间的推移, 这位长者愈来愈有涵养, 他在议会发言中已不再有往日的激愤了。;The obstructive members blocked all parliamentary business by talking against time. - 那些故意捣蛋的议员以拖延发言时间来阻挠议会全部工作的进展。;More seriously, they have now renounced parliamentary politics and opted for direct action, ranging from civil disobedience and demonstration to bullets and gelignite. - 更为严重的是, 他们已经放弃了议会政治而选择了直接行动, 从非暴力反抗、示威到子弹和炸药。;
parliamentary [ˌpɑ:lə'mentəri]Speaker
adj. 国会的, 议会的, 议会制度的
As time went by and the old man became mellow, the fury went out of his parliamentary speeches.
随着时间的推移, 这位长者愈来愈有涵养, 他在议会发言中已不再有往日的激愤了。
The obstructive members blocked all parliamentary business by talking against time.
More seriously, they have now renounced parliamentary politics and opted for direct action, ranging from civil disobedience and demonstration to bullets and gelignite.
更为严重的是, 他们已经放弃了议会政治而选择了直接行动, 从非暴力反抗、示威到子弹和炸药。