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Ject对"prelude" 的正确翻译:n. 序幕, 前奏,预兆;vi. 成为...的前奏(开头)。发音:['prelju:d]。例句参考:The telephone rings and this marks the prelude to an unforeseen series of catastrophes. - 电话铃响了, 这就揭开了未预料到的大灾难的序幕。;His frequent depressions were the prelude to a complete mental breakdown. - 他经常抑郁寡欢, 後来精神完全崩溃了.;The bankruptcy of several small firms was the prelude to general economic collapse. - 几家小商行倒闭了, 随之而来的是经济大萧条.;
prelude ['prelju:d]Speaker
n. 序幕, 前奏,预兆
vi. 成为...的前奏(开头)
The telephone rings and this marks the prelude to an unforeseen series of catastrophes.
电话铃响了, 这就揭开了未预料到的大灾难的序幕。
His frequent depressions were the prelude to a complete mental breakdown.
他经常抑郁寡欢, 後来精神完全崩溃了.
The bankruptcy of several small firms was the prelude to general economic collapse.
几家小商行倒闭了, 随之而来的是经济大萧条.