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Ject对"requiem" 的正确翻译:n. 安魂曲, 安灵曲。发音:['ri:kwiəm]。例句参考:But to Mozart--- at that time sick, depressed, haunted by the thought of death--- the stranger seemed a messenger from the other world, bidding him write his own requiem. - 但是, 对莫扎特来说——此时他身体不好, 情绪低落, 整天想着死——这个陌生人无异是从另一个世界派来的使者, 来命令他写下他自己的安魂曲。;
requiem ['ri:kwiəm]Speaker
n. 安魂曲, 安灵曲
But to Mozart--- at that time sick, depressed, haunted by the thought of death--- the stranger seemed a messenger from the other world, bidding him write his own requiem.
但是, 对莫扎特来说——此时他身体不好, 情绪低落, 整天想着死——这个陌生人无异是从另一个世界派来的使者, 来命令他写下他自己的安魂曲。