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Ject对"sill" 的正确翻译:n. 基石(岩床,底面)。发音:[sil]。例句参考:The lowest sill, block, or timber supporting a building, located at or below ground level. - 底基用来支撑建筑物的最低的基木、砌块或木料,位于地面或低于地面的;The conditioned response, once it is firmly established, can be extinguished dozens of times, but it sill always return, like the proverbial bad penny. - 条件反射一经形成,虽然可以一次又一次地压制下去,但是它总会重新再现,真是摆也摆不脱扔也扔不掉。;A thin plank fastened to the side of a boat or to the sill of a port to keep out the sea and the spray. - 挡水板,防浪板缚于船边或港基的薄木板。用来阻挡海水及其喷溅;
sill [sil]Speaker
n. 基石(岩床,底面)
The lowest sill, block, or timber supporting a building, located at or below ground level.
The conditioned response, once it is firmly established, can be extinguished dozens of times, but it sill always return, like the proverbial bad penny.
A thin plank fastened to the side of a boat or to the sill of a port to keep out the sea and the spray.