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Ject对"soundly" 的正确翻译:adv. 完全地, 健全地, 坚牢地,香甜地。发音:['saundli]。例句参考:Despite the hardness of his bed, he is soon sleeping soundly. - 虽然床很硬, 他还是很快地睡熟了。;I am confident they will move the American economy ahead, move it firmly and soundly so that there will never be a time when the Soviet Union will be able to challenge our superiority in this field. - 我确信这些建议能把美国经济推向前进, 使之稳步而合理地发展、让苏联在经济上没有挑战我们超级大国地位的机会。;He has been soundly defeated at chess. - 他在国际象棋比赛中一败涂地.;
soundly ['saundli]Speaker
adv. 完全地, 健全地, 坚牢地,香甜地
Despite the hardness of his bed, he is soon sleeping soundly.
虽然床很硬, 他还是很快地睡熟了。
I am confident they will move the American economy ahead, move it firmly and soundly so that there will never be a time when the Soviet Union will be able to challenge our superiority in this field.
我确信这些建议能把美国经济推向前进, 使之稳步而合理地发展、让苏联在经济上没有挑战我们超级大国地位的机会。
He has been soundly defeated at chess.