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Ject对"southeast" 的正确翻译:n. 东南, 东南地区;adj. 东南的, 向东南的, 来自东南的;adv. 往东南, 来自东南。发音:['sauθ'i:st]。例句参考:A province of southeast China on the East China Sea and the Formosa Strait. Agriculture and fishing are important to its economy. Fuzhou is the capital. Population, 27,130,000. - 福建中国东南部的一个省份, 濒临东海和台湾海峡。经济以农业和渔业为主, 省会为福州。人口27, 130, 000;A municipal borough of southeast England east of London. A popular seaside resort, it also has light industries. Population, 121,900. - 马尔盖特英国东南部一自治市, 位于伦敦的东部。是一个著名的海滨度假胜地, 轻工业也较发达。人口121, 900;The wind is in the southeast. - 东南部有风。;
southeast ['sauθ'i:st]Speaker
n. 东南, 东南地区
adj. 东南的, 向东南的, 来自东南的
adv. 往东南, 来自东南
A province of southeast China on the East China Sea and the Formosa Strait. Agriculture and fishing are important to its economy. Fuzhou is the capital. Population, 27,130,000.
福建中国东南部的一个省份, 濒临东海和台湾海峡。经济以农业和渔业为主, 省会为福州。人口27, 130, 000
A municipal borough of southeast England east of London. A popular seaside resort, it also has light industries. Population, 121,900.
马尔盖特英国东南部一自治市, 位于伦敦的东部。是一个著名的海滨度假胜地, 轻工业也较发达。人口121, 900
The wind is in the southeast.