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Ject对"swift" 的正确翻译:adj. 快的,迅速的;adv. 快速地;n. 雨燕。发音:[swift]。例句参考:With the failure of the peace talks all hopes of a swift end to the war have flown out of the window. - 和谈失败後, 迅速结束战争的希望都已化为乌有.;The Augustan age of English literature includes the writers Dryden, Swift and Pope. - 在英国文学的全盛时期 有德莱顿, 斯威夫特和蒲柏等文豪.;Moving, acting, or occurring with great speed; swift. - 迅速的以极高速度运动,行动或发生的;飞快的;
swift [swift]Speaker
adj. 快的,迅速的
adv. 快速地
n. 雨燕
With the failure of the peace talks all hopes of a swift end to the war have flown out of the window.
和谈失败後, 迅速结束战争的希望都已化为乌有.
The Augustan age of English literature includes the writers Dryden, swift and Pope.
在英国文学的全盛时期 有德莱顿, 斯威夫特和蒲柏等文豪.
Moving, acting, or occurring with great speed; swift.