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Ject对"therapeutic" 的正确翻译:adj. 治疗的。发音:[θerə'pju:tik]。例句参考:Introduction of a solution into the body through a vein for therapeutic purposes. - 注射为了医学目的通过血管将一种溶液注入体内;The science of baths or bathing, especially the study of the therapeutic use of mineral baths. - 浴疗学关于沐浴的科学, 尤指对矿泉水浴治疗作用的研究;The act or practice of opening a vein by incision or puncture to remove blood as a therapeutic treatment. - 静脉切开术, 放血术切割静脉或穿孔来放血的行为或实践, 作为一种医学治疗;
therapeutic [θerə'pju:tik]Speaker
adj. 治疗的
Introduction of a solution into the body through a vein for therapeutic purposes.
The science of baths or bathing, especially the study of the therapeutic use of mineral baths.
浴疗学关于沐浴的科学, 尤指对矿泉水浴治疗作用的研究
The act or practice of opening a vein by incision or puncture to remove blood as a therapeutic treatment.
静脉切开术, 放血术切割静脉或穿孔来放血的行为或实践, 作为一种医学治疗