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Ject对"tories" 的正确翻译:n. 英保守党。例句参考:At the last general election only the Tories and Labour contested the seat, but the Alliance Party has also entered a candidate for the forthcoming by-election, making it a three-cornered fight. - 在上次的大选中,只有保守党和工党争夺席位,但同盟党也参加了即将来到的补缺选举候选人,形成了三方竞争的局面。;The socialist gained six seat on the council at the expense of the tories. - 社会主义党的6个委员会的席位是在损害保守党的情况下赢得的。;The electorate put the Tories in with an increased majority in1983. - 年选民选举保守党执政,其票数超过了上届的多数票。;
tories Speaker
n. 英保守党
At the last general election only the tories and Labour contested the seat, but the Alliance Party has also entered a candidate for the forthcoming by-election, making it a three-cornered fight.
The socialist gained six seat on the council at the expense of the tories.
The electorate put the tories in with an increased majority in1983.