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Ject对"vexation" 的正确翻译:n. 恼怒。发音:[vek'seiʃən]。例句参考:Much to my vexation, I just missed a chance of visiting China. - 错过一个访问中国的机会, 真气人。;A state of vexation caused by a perceived slight or indignity; a feeling of wounded pride. - 生气, 自尊受损因被看不起或轻视而生气的状态; 自尊心受损的感觉;What can we do to lessen her vexation? - 我们做些什么才能减轻她的烦恼呢?;
vexation [vek'seiʃən]Speaker
n. 恼怒
Much to my vexation, I just missed a chance of visiting China.
错过一个访问中国的机会, 真气人。
A state of vexation caused by a perceived slight or indignity; a feeling of wounded pride.
生气, 自尊受损因被看不起或轻视而生气的状态; 自尊心受损的感觉
What can we do to lessen her vexation?